Chubby Bunny
Hands down, this was the favourite event. Each team was first asked to pick the member with the biggest mouth. Then, out came the marshmallows! Yippee!

For those looking at this page that didn't attend, here's the basics behind Chubby Bunny:
Step 1: Take a marshmallow.
Step 2: Shove it in your mouth.
Step 3: Say "[Number] Chubby Bunny" (number = number of marshmallows in your mouth)
Step 4: Go to Step 1.

No chewing, no swallowing, and game continues until you puke! Good clean fun!

Ralph of the Titans was the winner of this round with a whopping 11 Chubby Bunnies in his mouth before he exploded. The eliminated cabins volunteered to pick up the pieces.

This was a double elimination round... Susan the Perfect Ten dropped out after six bunnies. She blames the demise of her cabin on Frank, who she claimed had a MUCH bigger mouth than she did. Kyle also lost for Grumpa-Matata, though Grumpa was absorbed back in by the Titans for the next round, making Grumpa-Ma-Titan the largest tribe in Survivor history. Good thing for the other teams the next event wasn't a Tug of War...